American Majority founder Ned Ryun told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Thursday that the rising tide of panic among Democrats suggests that they believe Vice President Kamala Harris will lose while also predicting that the left will move against certifying the election for Donald Trump if he wins. “Ned, this Trump-Hitler fascist thing seems to me to be a very dangerous and desperate ploy this late in the game. It’s laughable, but is it also potentially dangerous?”
“No, it is, Laura; they’re previewing their messaging and laying the framework for them not wanting to certify the election for encouraging violence that would make the summer of 2020, the Summer of Love, look like a walk in the park,” Ryun began. “And I do think you’re right. I think they’re trying to create an environment in which they might have encouraged another assassination attempt on Trump.” [see video below]
Continuing, Ryun said, “But I think more importantly, it shows the rising panic, the rhetoric, and the increased level of it shows, in my mind, a strong indication they know they’re losing. As you alluded to, the polls are terrible. I think Donald Trump might be in the lead in the National RealClearPolitics average next week, and as the polls are trending against them, I think what’s causing the real rise in panic are the numbers in these battleground states in which, in the absentee ballot and early vote, Republicans are actually leading.”
He noted further: In North Carolina, Republicans are in the lead. It hasn’t happened in 16 years. Arizona, same thing. Nevada, Republicans are up four points in the ABEV vote, and in Wisconsin, the first day of early voting couple days ago, Republicans had an incredibly strong day. And so you’re starting to see that they realize, not — forget the poll numbers, the real numbers are extremely troubling to them, and I think those trends will continue.”
Ingraham then played a clip of her correspondent, Raymond Arroyo, hitting the streets to ask people what they thought about Democrats calling Trump “Hitler” and a “fascist,” with most agreeing that he isn’t and that the rhetoric from the left is dangerous, citing two assassination attempts. “I think they are deranged and they’re deluded and they’re coming off as psychotic, Laura, it’s — if I can’t have this all, burn it down. And I think Democrats have made it very clear that if we can’t have political power in America, we’ll burn it all down,” Ryun said.
“And I think it’d be — it would be who of the corporate propagandists, if they can find it within themselves in the last 11 days of this campaign, to start asking Kamala and Democrats when Donald Trump wins on November 5th, will you accept the results of this election?”