On the solemn 80th anniversary of D-Day, former President Donald Trump shared a moment with veterans, offering his gratitude and respect during a call on Trump Force One.

“It’s an honor to listen to you. It’s a real honor,” Trump told one veteran on the Zoom call. “I have all the time you want! I hope you stay healthy [for] a good fight in November,” the World War II vet told Trump. “I’ll make you a deal! I’ll see you in the White House in January,” Trump responded. “You’ll be my first group!”


Meanwhile, President Biden’s participation in a D-Day memorial at Normandy didn’t appear to go as well. French President Emmanuel Macron looked stunned as Biden was unexpectedly led away from a ceremonial event by his wife, leaving the European leader scrambling to save face amid the confusion.

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, global leaders convened at Omaha Beach to pay tribute to the thousands who lost their lives in 1944 while securing a crucial western entry point into the country during World War II. Veterans present, donning their uniforms, were ready to exchange handshakes with Biden and Macron when an unexpected disturbance led to the U.S. president’s early departure, assisted by First Lady Jill Biden.

In separate video clips, President Biden can be seen keeling over as Jill Biden, Macron, and his spouse, Brigitte Macron, stand straight while dramatic music blares. Jill Biden covers her face and appears unsure of what to do. Shortly afterward, she was seen guiding the 81-year-old president away from the ceremony. The camera then cuts back to Macron, who looks at an aide and points toward Biden. Macron then jogs toward the waiting veterans, continuing on without his counterpart.

Before leaving, Biden managed to shake a few hands and greet a veteran in a wheelchair. The veteran stood up to hug the president and take a photo. When Biden learned it was the man’s birthday, he led the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday.”

The overseas trip offered President Biden a platform to condemn what he referred to as a rising “isolationist” movement in the U.S. and globally, as disillusionment with globalism continues to grow. Leaders in countries like Argentina, India, and other major nations have harnessed a sentiment ignited by the 2016 election of former President Donald Trump. “Isolation was not the answer 80 years ago, and it is not the answer today,” Biden told the audience, subtly referencing his Republican rival.

See also: Another Video Of Biden’s Behavior During A Press Conference Goes Viral – What’s Wrong With This Guy?

Over 45 lawmakers and administration officials who spoke with the Wall Street Journal reported significant cognitive declines they have observed in President Joe Biden since he first took office. The revelations have caused a stir on Capitol Hill as White House officials rushed to gather support to challenge these descriptions as more Americans voice concerns about him serving another four years.

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