A former top official in then-President Donald Trump’s administration took the opportunity to break down a recent massive campaign rally he held in a blue state to explain why it is a game-changing event for 2024 and why President Biden ought to be worried. During his Fox Business program on Thursday, former Trump economist Larry Kudlow speculated about a link between Trump’s Wildwood, New Jersey rally and Biden suddenly accepting a challenge to debate.

“Let me circle back to President Trump’s rally on the beach in Wildwood, N.J., last Saturday. I believe this was a historic event. Just doing some homework, the only political rally on record here in America larger than Trump’s in Wildwood was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s in Sea Girt, N.J., in 1932, where 120,000 people turned out,” Kudlow said.

“That was 92 years ago — I wasn’t even born then! — and was the handwriting on the wall for a massive victory for FDR. So, Mr. Trump scored a historic second. It’s a huge deal that changes the dynamics of the entire presidential race,” Kudlow continued. “Is the Wildwood rally the handwriting on the wall for Donald Trump? Michael Goodwin writes in the New York Post that the 2024 race is now Donald Trump’s to lose.

“Even the Wall Street Journal editorial page, no fan of Mr. Trump, writes, ‘Joe Biden goes from the basement to denial, polls show him behind Trump, and he won’t come back unless he admits the problem.’ Mr. Trump is polling well ahead in Nevada, Arizona and Georgia. The Great Lakes states are up for grabs,” he added.

“Michael Goodwin points to the leftist Brookings Institution’s analysis that shows Biden is hemorrhaging support among Black, Hispanic and Asian voters, including among college-educated members of those groups, and Goodwin points to key issue factors that we’ve been talking about here for many months. Mr. Trump has huge polling leads on the economy and inflation, on Biden’s open border catastrophe and the chaos at home with the antisemitic demonstrations and also the wars in Ukraine and Israel and Gaza. The world has turned chaotic under Biden, but back to Wildwood, N.J.,” Kudlow said.

“The 100,000-strong turnout for Mr. Trump freaked out Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Radio broadcaster Mark Simone pointed out that after witnessing the Wildwood shock, Biden suddenly comes out with a phony, tough-guy video — edited five times in 13 seconds — that he would debate Trump twice, in June and September. There’s a link between the Wildwood shock on Saturday and Biden suddenly accepting debates on Tuesday or Wednesday,” he went on.

“Both Mark Simone and Steve Forbes believe that if Biden flunks the June 27 debate — even with all his wimpy guardrail conditions that it has to be CNN, no audience, etc., etc. — then the Democratic kingpins will replace him at the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19 in Chicago. So, Wildwood shock has completely rattled Biden and the Democratic bigwigs. Wildwood changed the game. Trump now has Biden on the run,” he said.


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