Recent polling indicates that despite hopes among Democrats that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump would undermine his 2024 campaign, the proceedings have not significantly affected the president’s prospects.

Entering his fourth week of the New York trial on Monday, Trump faces 34 felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records in reimbursing a payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016. Several polls released since jury selection began on April 15 suggest that a potential conviction won’t dissuade voters from supporting Trump in November. Moreover, individuals nationwide express skepticism about whether the former president acted unlawfully or is receiving fair treatment in Bragg’s case.

“Millions of Americans are hopping mad at this kangaroo court, and it shows in this recent polling data,” Mark Weaver, a veteran Republican strategist, told the Daily Caller. “When dozens of partisan players – most of whom are coordinating with the Biden White House or the Biden Justice Department – use taxpayer dollars and precious court resources to try and defeat Trump long before the voters can decide, it makes people understandably angry.”

An Emerson College poll released on April 30 revealed that a majority of swing-state voters in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania stated that a potential conviction in the case wouldn’t dissuade them from supporting Trump in 2024. Additionally, a plurality of independent voters, a pivotal voting bloc in general elections, indicated that a conviction would have “no impact” on their support for the former president.

The DC noted further:

A CNN/SSRS poll released on April 25 indicated that 76% of registered voters who back Trump say they’ll cast a ballot for him regardless of a conviction in Bragg’s case. The survey also showed that a majority of Americans aren’t confident that the Manhattan jury can reach a fair verdict at 56%.

An AP/NORC survey published on April 16 found that only 35% of Americans think Trump acted illegally in regard to the New York allegations. The poll also indicated that just 31% of respondents are “extremely” or “very confident” that Trump is being treated fairly by the prosecution.

Republican National Committee spokesperson Rachel Lee shredded Democrats for “hanging their hopes on a show trial, while voters see it for what it is: a political witch hunt.”

“Meanwhile, soaring Bidenflation is hitting Americans hard and Biden still has not condemned the pro-Hamas mobs wreaking havoc on college campuses nationwide,” Lee told the DCNF in a statement. “It’s no wonder why Joe Biden is losing to Donald J. Trump in every battleground state.”

Scott Jennings, a GOP strategist with experience in numerous campaigns, opines that while a conviction of Trump “won’t be helpful, necessarily,” there’s “no doubt this case is the least serious” compared to others.

“A liberal prosecutor using a novel legal theory to pursue felony charges against the leader of the opposition party and keep him from campaigning? Pretty ridiculous, honestly,” Jennings told the DCNF. “Far more consequential things are happening in the world. Biden has lost control of everything. And Democrats are out here trying to convict Trump of failing to file the proper sex paperwork. Give me a break.”

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