Next week is scheduled to feature testimony from whistleblowers, bringing fresh viewpoints that might contest the dominant story related to the 2020 election.

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Members of the Washington D.C. National Guard are prepared to present testimony that disputes the account given by the January 6 Committee. According to these whistleblowers, they were primed to act on then-President Donald Trump’s commands during the Capitol incident but were held back by the Pentagon, a postponement that could alter the public’s perception of that day’s events.

In a significant development, at least three National Guard officers are scheduled to testify before a House subcommittee next Wednesday. Their appearance is highly anticipated as it is expected to challenge previous assertions made by the January 6 Committee, which has been leading the investigation into the Capitol breach incident, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

Key Points of the Testimony:

  • Contention with January 6 Committee’s Claims: The officers are set to dispute earlier claims made by the January 6 Committee regarding the events leading up to and during the Capitol breach.
  • Authorization of D.C. National Guard Deployment: A critical aspect of their testimony will involve the assertion that the deployment of the D.C. National Guard on January 6 was authorized by Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.
  • President Trump’s Directive: It is anticipated that the officers will argue that their deployment was in line with a directive from President Trump, suggesting a more direct involvement of the then-President in the deployment process than previously acknowledged by the January 6 Committee.

Significance of the Testimony:

  • Insight into Chain of Command: The testimony is expected to provide insight into the chain of command and decision-making processes concerning the National Guard’s role on January 6.

An individual knowledgeable about the Oversight Subcommittee’s investigation under the House Administration Committee revealed that whistleblowers are set to provide testimony regarding a substantial postponement by former Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy in authorizing National Guard Commander William Walker to deploy forces.

This delay, which allegedly extended for a minimum of two hours, hindered the swift mobilization of the National Guard to the Capitol, exacerbating the turmoil and violence witnessed that day, the outlet reported.

The hearing titled “Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay” seeks to investigate if administrative holdups, as opposed to actions taken by Trump, were the cause of the National Guard’s delayed response to the scene.

The testimony seeks to question the conclusions of the January 6 Committee, which implied that Trump played a role in escalating the violence by obstructing a swift military reaction, the outlet continued.

According to critics, McCarthy could have been aiming for a position in President Joe Biden’s administration, and so was worried about the image of a military response under his command during the certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

The concern may have influenced his decision-making process regarding the deployment of the National Guard.

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Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.