Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 GOP nominee, just took all the wind out of President Joe Biden’s sails with a huge event on Saturday night.

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According to a report by CNN, the campaign of the former president has announced raising an astonishing $50.5 million at the Saturday fundraiser. This amount is almost double the record set by Biden’s campaign in New York last week, which raised $26 million at an event attended by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Obama.

Palm Beach, Florida, billionaire investor John Paulson hosted the “Inaugural Leadership Dinner.”

“Tonight will be an incredible night for President Trump and the Republican Party, raising an astounding $50.5 million,” Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Trump campaign senior advisors. “Meanwhile, after locking up the nomination in one of the fastest primaries in modern political history, Donald J. Trump is winning poll after poll and proving that the enthusiasm is on his side. It’s clearer than ever that we have the message, the operation, and the money to propel President Trump to victory on November 5.”

“The success of tonight’s event is proving what we already know: Americans are fed up with Biden’s record of failure, from the open southern border and sky-high inflation to the migrant crime crisis that has made everyone less safe,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chairman Lara Trump said. “The Republican Party is united behind the effort to elect President Donald J. Trump, and Americans are lining up to join our movement and retire Crooked Joe Biden once and for all.”

Big-money donors are finally rallying around Trump.

The Epoch Times reported that Warren Stephens, a megadonor who supported Haley, was a co-chair of the event. It was also co-chaired by hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, oil mogul Harold Hamm, hotelier Robert Bigelow, and casino tycoon Steve Wynn.

Scott Bessent, founder of the investment firm Key Square Group and former chief investment officer at George Soros’s Soros Fund Management, will also co-host the event. Bessent has been speculated to be a potential nominee for a cabinet position in a second Trump administration.

Fox News adds:

The event will also be attended by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Strategas Jason Trennert, one of Wall Street’s top thought leaders.

Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts and New York Jets co-owner Woody Johnson, along with Wilbur Ross, Trump’s former secretary of commerce, are also expected to be involved. 

The event tops out at the “Chairman Level,” which costs $824,600 and includes seating at the former president’s table. 

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