HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher torched America’s elite Ivy League universities and colleges for indoctrinating students for years with far-left ideology that makes them “stupid” after scores of students at those schools demonstrated in support of Hamas after the terrorist group launched a deadly sneak attack against Israel, slaughtering hundreds of innocents.
Here’s what he had to say during his Friday show:
Don’t go to college. If you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college because as recent events have shown it just makes you stupid. Elite schools should no longer be called elite, just say expensive.
There are few if any positives to come out of what has happened in Israel but one of them is opening America’s eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas, among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oppressor or oppressed. In the case of Israel, oppressors being babies and bubbes.
The same students who will tell you thatwords are violence and silence is violence were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage as if they were the Vikings. They knew where to point the fingers—at the murdered—and then it was off to ethics class.
Now, I recognize that a certain amount of foolishness is expected of college kids, but mixing Jägermeister with tomato juice isn’t the same as siding with terrorists. 34 student groups a Harvard signed a letter that said the apartheid regime is the only one to blame, proving they don’t know what constitutes apartheid.
They don’t know much of anything actually, but it doesn’t deter them from having an opinion. They’ve convinced themselves Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history or even a desire to know it. And actual history doesn’t come up in their intersectionality of politics and genderqueers identities class.
Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary.