A Ring door video caught the moment a home exploded in Plum, Pa., over the weekend.

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

This is not a story that has any other implications, but holy smokes…we can all relate to it.

This is horrific.


It looks like something that you’d see in a movie, but sadly, it was all too real.

And unfortunately, there have been some fatalities, according to local reports.

As you can see in the next video, the homes immediately to the right and left of the house that blew up were also destroyed.

According to one local reporter, at least five people were killed.

One local reporter had additional information, including being the original source for the Ring video.

One person online claimed to have knowledge of the neighborhood. But there’s no way we can verify the information.

Here is more footage shortly after the explosion.

Here is an update from the local police chief:

Some aftermath footage:

You just never know when you’re last day on earth is going to be or how the end will come.

But this is horrific, and our hearts go out to everyone affected by this surreal tragedy. God rest their souls.

We also won’t speculate as to the cause. We’ll leave that to the professionals.


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Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.