Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has proven once more she is a huge ally of former President Donald Trump.

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

After Trump was arraigned last week in a DC federal court over the latest charges filed by special counsel Jack Smith, the fiery Georgia Republican vowed to support him no matter what.

Trump pleaded not guilty to a conspiracy to disseminate false claims about the 2020 election as well as devising a scheme to overturn his election loss to Joe Biden.

As per the indictment, Trump and his associates purportedly issued multiple untrue statements regarding the election outcome during the two months following his defeat. Additionally, they allegedly applied pressure on former Vice President Mike Pence and state-level election officials in a bid to maintain their hold on power, Fox News reported.

“Trump’s charges include conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ certification of”  Biden’s election win, the outlet added.

In a tweet, MTG called Smith’s latest charges “a communist attack” on Americans’ ability to choose who they want to be their president.

She declared: “I will still vote for Trump even if he’s in jail. This is a communist attack on America’s first amendment to vote for who THE PEOPLE want for President by an attempt to take Trump off the ballots through a politically weaponized DOJ. People know exactly what this is.”

She also renewed her call to impeach Biden after the indictments, but not as political payback, as a result of a “mountain” of corruption “evidence” she says the GOP now has in its possession.

“Republicans need to open their eyes. The media is going to do their best to try to say impeaching Biden is political paybacks. That’s 100% BULLSHIT. Impeachment of Biden is because he’s a CRIMINAL and we have a mountain of evidence proving it and gaining more daily. Don’t fall for the stupid plays of media spin and interview pressures. DO THE RIGHT THING. Impeach the CRIMINAL IN CHEIF [sic]!!!” she wrote in another tweet.

Greene also repeated her call to have Trump’s impeachments to be expunged from the official record.

“These egregious impeachments must be expunged,” Greene posted on the X platform. “They are stains on the House of Representatives that should not be allowed to stand. It’s simple. If you voted NO on impeachment then you should be able to easily vote YES to expungement.”

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Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.