Former Vice President Mike Pence just got some more bad news as his flagging 2024 presidential campaign continues to fade.

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Just the News reported that General Keith Kellogg (ret.), a former national security advisor, recently endorsed Donald Trump over his former superior, Pence.

Kellogg expressed his view that Pence’s attention seemed directed towards his own political prospects rather than addressing substantive matters. Kellogg’s commentary on Truth Social highlighted how the former vice president’s excessively righteous and passive approach “is not what Republican voters want” and are seeking a resolute leader capable of revitalizing domestic prosperity and international respect.

“I’ve worked alongside many leaders in my years of service to this Nation. Among them, President Donald J. Trump stands apart as a figure of unwavering determination, a deep vision for America, and the courage to take a stand where others wilt,” Kellogg said.

“His bold and dramatic leadership style during his Presidency resulted in significant achievements for our country,” he added.

He then turned his attention to Pence.

“For a period of time in the White House, I served as the National Security Advisor to Vice President Pence. While I respect his service to our Nation, I must express my disappointment in his reaction actions regarding President Trump,” Kellogg wrote.

“It is not the decisive leadership that we have seen from President Trump. Where President Trump is bold and unafraid to challenge the status quo, Pence has often chosen the passive route, avoiding confrontation,” the retired four-star general continued.

“This lack of assertiveness, combined with an overreliance on failed political consultants like Marc Short, has demonstrated a laisse-faire leadership style unworthy of the presidency,” he said.

“While President Trump has consistently put America first, prioritizing our citizens, our economy, and global standing, Pence’s actions have often seemed more focused on political maneuvering and maintaining his image. That is not what Republican voters want,” he said.

In conclusion, he wrote: “President Trump’s dedication to the prosperity and security of the United States is unwavering, as is his vision for the future.

“I believe in the future President Trump envisions. A future that demands both and decisive leadership, something we have seen in President Trump but not from the former Vice President,” he added.

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Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.