By WND Staff

Originally published by WND News Center. Used with permission.

OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Hollywood stars frequently tell others what they think about things, irrespective of them being asked.

Their fans may like comments about movies and acting, but they’re often out of their depth when they hand out instructions on topics including the economy or international relations.

And climate change. Or global warming as it was known until the warming stopped.

It’s now the U.S. Oil & Gas Association that is putting actor Mark Ruffalo, who famously played the Hulk in one of the iterations of that cartoon superhero, in his place.

He had unleashed, just days ago, a rant about the industry the USOGA represents.

“For all you climate deniers who have worked for the oil and gas industry – mostly you flagrant politicians, you have screwed us, your children, and the generations to come. All for greed and selfishness. Especially Lee Raymond and Exxon,” he said.

In fact, so-called global warming is anything but a settled science, as literal stacks of predictions about the end-times catastrophes that have been expected, the flooding, the worldwide desertification, and the massive deaths, all have failed to come true.

Multiple “experts” predicted a number of years ago that by now, there would be no winter in the U.K., and the Arctic would be barren of ice.

A report at Just the News documented the USOGA response to Ruffalo.

“We don’t care what you think,” the business organization explained. “You should be grateful that millions of workers in the energy industry were willing to show up with our kids and pay 15 bucks to watch your movies.

“A simple thank you would suffice.”

It also aimed at Ruffalo’s career, pointing out that “CGI and digital artists” essentially have made his fame.

Ruffalo, who boasts online he’s a “climate justice advocate,” has drawn criticism before. In 2016 he was branded a hypocrite for jetting to London to accept an award.

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Disclaimer: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.