President Joe Biden is reportedly expected to announce next week that he’s running for a second term, but after he got some bad news over the weekend, he may want to reconsider and just call it a career.

Sunday morning, NBC host Chuck Todd, known for his left-wing views, reported some concerning new numbers for Biden.

“53% of 2020 Biden voters say he shouldn’t run. 64% of Democrats who voted for Sanders are warned in the 2020 primaries think he shouldn’t run. And 76% of voters under 35 think he shouldn’t run,” Todd said.

“And what’s the top concern for that? We asked voters, we didn’t prompt them, we said, why don’t you think he should run? Well, these were the responses. It almost is all about his age and his ability to do the job. Again, these are among Democratic primary voters,” he added.


This news follows a series of bombshells about the Biden family that emerged over the past week. Reports have indicated that as many as nine members of the family were involved in questionable financial dealings.

Additionally, an IRS whistleblower has alleged that President Biden is collaborating with Attorney General Merrick Garland to shield Hunter Biden from prosecution for several financial crimes. These poll numbers represent yet another setback for the president.

Moreover, only 41% of Americans approve of Biden:

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