Former President Donald Trump is continuing to steamroll his Republican opponents as he raises a massive amount of funds and picks up more high-profile endorsements.

Carlos Gimenez, the former Mayor of Miami, recently declared his support for Trump’s bid for the 2024 presidential election, claiming that he believes Trump gives the Republican Party the greatest chance of success.

Gimenez, who is currently serving in Congress as a representative from Florida, cited Trump’s strong record as a former president and his vision for the future of the United States as key reasons for his endorsement.

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Gimenez’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump is particularly notable given his previous role as the Mayor of Miami, a city with a significant Hispanic population that has traditionally leaned towards the Democratic Party. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, this announcement carries significant weight and may influence the political landscape in the region.


Gimenez’s endorsement of Trump could have significant implications for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis if he decides to run for president.

Gimenez’s endorsement appears to indicate that Trump continues to have significant influence over the Republican Party and that his endorsement could carry significant weight with Republican voters who are seeking a candidate aligned with Trump’s policies and vision for the country, especially in Florida, where he lives.

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