At a committee hearing on Wednesday, Republican legislators strongly condemned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his policies, which they believe are exacerbating the crisis at the Southern border.

Congressman Dan Bishop, a Republican from North Carolina, accused Mayorkas of not giving due importance to the situation, citing the escalating number of migrants who are illegally entering the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border.

The pressure on Mayorkas did not end there, however.

Rep. August Pfluger, a Republican from Texas, candidly conveyed to Mayorkas that in his conversations with border patrol agents over the past three years, he hasn’t encountered any who expressed confidence in Mayorkas as DHS secretary.

“Not a single border patrol agent I’ve talked to in the past three years has said that they trust your leadership or have faith that you’re keeping our country secure,” he said.

During her opportunity to speak, Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia criticized the Secretary and accused him of lying, which led to her words being taken down.

Later she tweeted: “Republicans will never defeat the Democrats, we’ll never impeach Mayorkas, we’ll never impeach Biden, and we’ll never implement our conservative agenda if we can’t even call a liar a liar. Republicans should not let Democrats strike down our words and do their bidding for them.”

These recent criticisms are part of a series of complaints from several Americans over the Biden administration’s immigration policies. The number of unaccompanied children has surged to a record high, and border patrol agents are increasingly expressing their apprehensions.

The administration’s course of action in response to these concerns is yet to be seen.

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