The number of abortions in the United States has plunged since the U.S. Supreme Court last year overturned the faulty 1973 Roe decision that created a “right” to abortion across the country.
Originally published at WND News Center. Used with permission.
Under the new standard, set in the Dobbs case, states are allowed once again to set limits for the profitable industry of destroying the unborn.
Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, which has fought numerous court battles for the pro-life cause, said, “The news of fewer abortions nationwide is encouraging and it is evident that pro-life laws are saving unborn children and protecting women.
“We are just now beginning to see the treasurable impact of the high court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade that will only continue to bear fruit. It is time for courts around the nation to follow suit and affirm everyone’s right to life whether born or unborn.”
His organization cited documentation from the pro-abortion Society of Family Family, which confirmed there were 32,000 fewer abortions on average across the nation from July 2022 through December 2022.
That report said there were about 5,377 fewer abortions monthly across the country than before the Dobbs case, Liberty Counsel reported.
“A further analysis of the report’s data found that abortions plummeted by nearly 96 percent in the 13 states with abortion bans put in place shortly after Roe and Casey were overturned,” the organization reported.
“In the states with current abortion bans – Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin – the report revealed they had ‘a cumulative total of 43,410 fewer people who had abortions,’ and ‘a monthly average of 7,235 fewer abortions after the Dobbs decision as compared to pre-Dobbs.”
Further, states that added abortion limits, Georgia, Ohio and Arizona, “saw major declines in their average monthly abortions at a rate of “1,822, 820, and 755, respectively.”
The report noted that some states where abortion is promoted as an industry, there were slight increases, but those numbers “did not compensate for the reductions seen in states where abortion was banned.”
Liberty Counsel, which continues contributing to arguments against abortion in various court cases, including one pending in Florida, has explained, “Abortion is the modern-day offspring of eugenics. The procedure is in direct conflict with Florida’s constitutional guarantees to life and liberty. House Bill 5 furthers Florida’s compelling interest in ensuring that the rights guaranteed in the Florida Constitution extend to all its citizens, not just the born.”
The organization said, in its report, “Starting with Charles Darwin and his book titled The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (emphasis added), the full title clearly sets forth his racist ideology to eliminate certain races and people. Enter Margaret Sanger, who opened contraception clinics in minority neighborhoods. Fueled by the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, Sanger then planted abortion facilities in black and brown neighborhoods to eliminate these races and carry on its racist eugenic objectives.”
Liberty Counsel continued, “Planned Parenthood continues Margaret Sanger’s legacy of eliminating unborn children based on their race. Planned Parenthood has now intentionally located 86 percent of its abortion facilities in or near minority neighborhoods in the 25 U.S. counties with the most abortions.”