Media outlets in American beclowned themselves during the summer of riots in 2020, standing in front of burning blocks and then claiming, on camera, that they were “mostly peaceful” riots.

Originally published at WND News Center. Used with permission.

Now there’s a new standard, being set by an aide to twice-failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

According to One America News, it was Marisa Pyle, a top adviser for Abrams, who claimed, on social media, “You cannot commit violence against a window or a car. Killing a human? Now that, that is violence. Shame on Atlanta’s leaders who fall into the same tired path of protecting property while our people are murdered by their police.”

Her comments came amid violence – such as burning cars and breaking windows – that developed recently in Atlanta. The original social media posting was being “protected,” but it already had been quoted in multiple other postings:

The report explained Pyle is with Abrams’ Fair Fight Action, and “had rushed to the defense of anti-police protesters and the chaos that they had caused.”

OAN documented: “The tweet followed a Saturday full of protests in Atlanta which developed into riots as the day went on. Rioters had thrown rocks and lit fireworks in front of the building of the Atlanta Police Foundation, as well as shattered glass windows and lit a police car on fire.”

Multiple arrests were made, including some suspects described as “carrying explosives.”

The violence apparently was triggered by the death of Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, who was shot and killed when he opened fire on a Georgia State trooper.

It was during 2020 that media outlets mischaracterized the violent riots that were happening.

CNN decided that rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was “fiery but mostly peaceful” in a chyron in front of burning businesses.

In response, Daily Caller investigative editor Peter J. Hasson deadpanned: “Reporting to you live from Pearl Harbor, where America suffered a mostly peaceful surprise attack by the Japanese empire.”

Steve Guest recalled MSNBC’s Ali Velshi in May reporting from in front of a burning building in Minneapolis.

“I want to be clear on how I characterize this,” Velshi said. “This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly, but fires have been started.”

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