The U.S. Air Force Academy is being sued by a noted watchdog organization.

Originally published at WND News Center. Used with permission.

The United States Air Force Academy, just outside of Colorado Springs and home to the famed aluminum and glass chapel, now under restoration, is being sued for the details about its “white supremacy” and “Critical Race Theory” teachings.

Judicial Watch, the government watchdog organization, said it is pursuing a Freedom of Information Act case to obtain access to those training material records.

Judicial Watch said, “The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Air Force Academy, a component of the Department of Defense, failed to respond to an August 5, 2021, FOIA request for any and all PowerPoint presentations used for training and/or classroom instruction discussing critical race theory (CRT) and/or ‘white supremacy.’ Judicial Watch also requested emails about this issue for Air Force Academy senior leadership.”

Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch’s president, explained, “Marxist critical race theory and its racial division have no place at the Air Force Academy, which is training the next generations of Air Force leadership. And, per usual, the scandal is compounded by the cover-up of records about the propaganda program abusing Air Force cadets.”

The original request for information was on behalf of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services.

Judicial Watch said a similar action was brought against the U.S. Naval Academy earlier.

And it was able to get records from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point last summer.

The case, brought in Washington, D.C., requests the court to require the military academy to search for any and all responsive records and to produce all non-exempt records responsive to the request.

It also requests an order that the academy stop withholding records that address the concerns.

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