Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert isn’t one to back down from a political fight, even when it comes to outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). In a speech on the House floor on Friday, Boebert made it clear that the American people had reached their limit with Pelosi and her Democratic Party by electing a GOP majority.

“The American people have spoken. They have fired you and have chosen to end the Democrats’ one-party rule throughout our government,” she said. “The days of this chamber being treated as Pelosi’s house instead of the people’s house are over,” she added. “The American people will once again be allowed into this chamber to see their representatives at work.”

“Republicans made a lot of promises on the campaign trail,” Boebert continued. “It’s time we make good on those promises.” “We must defund the 87,000 IRS agents that the Democrats hired, increase domestic energy production, get to the bottom of Hunter Biden’s corruption, and, of course, the big guy, who is at least compromised by 10%,” the GOP lawmaker said. “Republicans across America ran on these policies. God help us if we fail to deliver,” she added.

In an interview with One America News, Boebert also said that “liberals” were attacking her over a recent mass shooting in Colorado Springs.

“I have been accused of just about every mass shooting there has been since the Left has learned of my name,” she told the network. “Whether it’s Uvalde, or the King Soopers shooting in Boulder, Colorado, or the Buffalo, New York shooting. Or even Paul Pelosi getting hammered. I have been blamed for all of that.

“I think the Left is pissed I won my election,” she added. “And so they’re trying to find something to go after me about. I expressed my concern for the family, for the victims. And the way that they came after me is absolutely disgusting.”

To make things worse for Nancy Pelosi, she was the target of a heckling incident where someone called her out to her face, in front of other people. Watch that video below:

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