Radio and TV personality and host Charlamagne tha God took President Joe Biden and Democrats to task during an interview with Fox News Digital on Friday.

Charlamagne told the network that Biden and his party have not done nearly enough to earn the black vote in 2024.

“Personally, I mean, damn near everything they promised Black people I haven’t seen come to fruition… I still think they could have gone way farther on the marijuana thing. Hey, it’s cool to pardon everybody that’s in prison on a federal level for simple possession,” he said.

Charlamagne then criticized politicians as a whole for volunteering “lies.”

“They volunteer these lies. I say this all the time. They volunteered to say, ‘Hey, we’re going to do this. We’re going to do that.’ And then they get in office and can’t get things done. Well, why volunteer to lie, you know?” The Breakfast Club co-host said.

He also said that a Biden-Donald Trump rematch could go “either way.”

“I think that’s more indicative of what Democrats aren’t doing. And for me, I just don’t see the bench that the Democrats have,” he told Fox. “I personally don’t see the person that they could put up in 2024 that could really galvanize and energize people. I mean, the fact that Biden is still their safest bet, ugh. I think that’s sad, too.”

In the interview, Charlamagne also talked about when Biden uttered his infamous “you ain’t Black” comment on Charlamagne’s show and accused the president of “saying the quiet part out loud,” which may lead to more trouble for Democrats with black voters.

“Whether he said it in jest or not, I’m sure that’s how a large part of the Democratic Party feels,” he said. “They feel like, ‘Hey, Black men, Black women, they’re our most loyal voting bloc, and they show up for us no matter what.’”

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