Fox News host Mark Levin has given his post-mortem on the midterm elections, and he says things are not as bad for the Republican Party as it may seem despite the fact that there was no “red wave.”
In fact, he says, there was never going to be one.
“I noticed that many of the same people who were wrong about a red wave are now telling us what to think about a non-red wave,” the Fox News host said on Sunday. “The experts, the consultants, the ruling class, the media, the politicians. We need to think for ourselves, enough of the static.
“I said before the election, and I said repeatedly here and on radio: Forget about the red wave. Forget about a red tsunami. Forget about Armageddon and vote,” he said, noting that in reality it was all about arithmetic.
During this election cycle, for example, Republicans had to defend 20 of 34 Senate seats, and to have won the majority, they would have had to “tap into” 14 Democrat-held seats.
That was a tall hill to climb,” Levin said. “And this is one of the reasons I wasn’t on this red-wave bandwagon so fast. I needed to think about it. 2024. This is the key.”
He said if there is a GOP wave, it is more likely to happen during the next election cycle, in 2024.
“The next election cycle, 33 seats are up,” Levin said. “Now, listen to this. Two-thirds of them are Democrat seats. So the Democrats have to defend 23 Senate seats. The Republicans have to defend only ten.”
“So,” he continued, “the math in 2022 never really led to a red wave possibility and the math in 2024, it does lead to a red wave possibility.”
“Does that mean there will be one?” he asked. “Of course not. But I’m just explaining the math, the simple math.”
“We had about 60% of the seats up,” he informed his viewers. “They have almost 70% of the seats up in the next round. So what does that mean? Democrats needed to have some serious gains in the Senate last week to stave off a disaster in 2024. They failed miserably.”
Flipping as many as six Senate seats “was never going to happen,” he offered. “It was a mathematical impossibility.”
“In 2024, [Democrats are] in a horrendous situation when two-thirds of the Senate seats that are up are Democrat seats, and they’re [now] celebrating that they only lost the House by a relative few votes, but they lost the House,” he stated. “And the GOP can now block these radical kook programs that Biden’s pushing. They can conduct investigations.”
“They can do what they need to do, and they damn well better,” he continued.
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