Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene did not mince words in response to an insulting criticism from outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney.

The Wyoming Republican ripped the Georgia Republican over remarks Greene made at a “Save America” rally with former President Donald Trump in Iowa this week.

Greene echoed many in the Republican Party including Kevin McCarthy saying “under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine.”

Cheney shared a clip of Greene making that statement with the snarky comment: “This is exactly what Putin wants. If we’d had Republicans like this in the 1980s, we would have lost the Cold War.”

Greene responded:

“There are two things that are in the past.

“1.You and your Daddy’s Republican Party that sent our military to fight foreign wars on the backs of American tax dollars and didn’t win a damn thing.

“2. You.”

During her speech, Greene said, “Republicans are going to have to be the new Republican Party.

“We can no longer be the party of Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Dick Cheney, George Bush, and Mitt Romney or any other sell-out, weak Republican,” she added.

Cheney badly lost her August primary to a Trump-backed challenger, Harriet Hageman, who is a shoo-in to win the election in deep red Wyoming on Tuesday.

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