Joe Biden is getting scorched for his latest lie.

Originally published at WND News Center. Used with permission.

That was his wild and factually wrong claim that gasoline was $5 a gallon when he took office.

It wasn’t. It was in the range of $2.39.

It did explode to $5 – and even higher – after he took office and launched his all-out war on domestic petroleum production, shutting down pipelines, oil lease sales and more.

According to Fox News, Biden was at Onondaga Community College in Syracuse, New York, to talk about a plan by Micron to build a semiconductor plant there.

He turned to praising himself.

He claimed gasoline now is $3.39, down from over $5 a gallon “when [he] took office.”

“And because of the action we’ve taken, gas prices are declining. We’re down $1.25 since the peak this summer and there been falling for the last three weeks as well, and adding up real savings for families today. The most common price of gas in America is $3.39, down from over five dollars when I took office,” Biden claimed.

Social media immediately was filled with outrage, with comments including:

“Do they program him to lie, or does it just pop into his head?”

“Liar Liar Your pants are on fire.”

“This guy never stops lying.”

“He does not mind lying because he has had that as a characteristic for 50 years in politics!!”

Ted Cruz communications advisor Steve Guest turn to a joke: “Paging all fact checkers– got an easy one for you.”

“The outright lies from the Biden Presidency are a disgrace and are extremely condescending. Biden treats the American people with contempt,” said Nile Gardiner, of the Telegraph.

And Club for Growth government affairs VP Scott Parkinson went satirical: “BIDEN: ‘I am not going to be President much longer. My cabinet is gonna use the 25th Amendment to remove me from office in late-January. Come on, man!’”

AAA reported the average price for a gallon of gas on Thursday was $3.76. Meanwhile, the cost for gas on Jan. 20, 2021, the day Biden took office, was approximately $2.39.

The Washington Times noted Daniel Turner, of Power The Future, said, “The only thing more terrible than Joe Biden’s energy failures is when Joe Biden lies about his energy failures. President Biden knows he’s lying to you, he just believes the American people will simply buy the falsehoods he’s peddling.”

Biden has a noted list of his lies from his political career, ranging from his talks with an Amtrak employee, who was dead when Biden claimed to have talked with him, to wild claims about his heritage, school career, a small fire in his home many years ago, and more.

WND reported earlier when the New York Times informed the public that allowances should be made for him.

The publication explained he just “exaggerates.”

And “embellishes.”

By Bob Unruh. (c) 2022.

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