A new poll shows that Americans believe if the Democrats win the House in the midterm elections, they will suffer even worse economic conditions.

Originally published at WND News Center. Used with permission.

They’re bad enough already. Inflation is at more than 8%. Gasoline is some cities in hitting $6 a gallon. Average families are losing ground financially under Joe Biden’s policies and a report revealed even $100,000-a-year earns are living “paycheck-to-paycheck.”

The new poll reveals that 58.9% of voters say the American economy will further be hurt if Democrats retain control of Congress in the 2022 midterms.

Forty-one-point-one percent, mostly Democrats, say the American economy will improve.

The poll is from the Convention of States Action, which worked with The Trafalgar Group, on the poll October 8-11 of more than 1,000 likely 2022 election voters.

“The data is clear – –the American people are keenly aware that progressive policies spell disaster for the economy,” said Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States.

“The voters are seeing the consequences in real time, with reckless White House spending bills such as the poorly named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ as well as the Biden administration’s hostile policies against American energy rearing their ugly heads. If this continues, how much worse could it get?”

Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” actually spends hundreds of billions of dollars more and experts note that it is unlikely to help in the fight against inflation at all.

The polling revealed 95.6% of Republicans say “they think Democrats retaining control of Congress after the 2022 midterm elections would hurt the American economy.”

They were joined by 66.5% of independent voters and even 12.4% of Democrats.

On the other end of the scale, 87.6% of Democrats say the problems facing the Biden administration, super-heated inflation and high interest rates in combination with the crisis Biden created at the southern border and his abortion and transgender agendas, will “improve” the economy.

By Bob Unruh, WND News Center. (c) 2022.

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