Former President Donald Trump has made no secret about wanting to be President Donald Trump again, and as such, there has been no shortage of speculation as to who he would pick as his running mate.

But according to Robert Draper, who writes for The New York Times Magazine, Trump has reportedly been heavily considering a firebrand lawmaker from Georgia: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

In an interview with The Daily Beast’s “New Abnormal” podcast, Draper said that Greene’s stock has risen quickly with Trump due to her ‘take no prisoners’ style when it comes to dealing with Democrats.

“Republicans kind of wanted to kick her to the curb immediately,” said Draper. “But instead, she became a fundraising dynamo, came to have this huge social media influence, and ultimately came to be very influential within the party itself.”

Raw Story added:

Draper confirmed that Trump has been actively discussing Greene as his No. 2 since February, and while the former president has probably discussed other candidates, as well, the Georgia Republican brings something to the table that could push her over the top.

“She has been unflaggingly loyal to Trump throughout,” Draper said. “What is Trump concerned about most of all in a VP after the Mike Pence experience? Loyalty. He knows that if he needs someone to fight for him to overturn a presidential election, he has every reason to expect that Greene would be by his side and would be his proximate warrior.”

Other names being floated in terms of a potential Trump VP pick include another prominent GOP woman, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, another major Trump ally who is currently the No. 3 Republican in the House.

In a September piece from Foreign Policy, titled, “Elise Stefanik Is Most Likely to Succeed,” authors detail, “A young woman once hailed as the future of the Republican Party embraces Trumpism to stay that way.”

“At 30 years old, Stefanik had been the youngest woman ever to be elected to Congress in 2014. At a time when the party sought to reach a younger and more diverse pool of voters, she was hailed as the future of the Republican Party,” the report begins.

“Having hitched her cart firmly to Trump, Stefanik looks to have as bright a future within the Republican Party as when she was first elected to Congress eight years ago. She endorsed his still hypothetical candidacy for 2024—and has already been tipped as a potential running mate,” the story added.

“While the former president and his progeny have repeatedly hinted that a third run for the White House may be in the works, some longtime conservative observers see the beginnings of a post-Trump future in the strategies of rising stars such as DeSantis, the Florida governor, and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. Both DeSantis and Youngkin have toed a careful line, neither embracing the former president nor the suicide vest of never-Trumpism,” the report said.

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