Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany dragged the Biden administration for essentially exporting left-wing cultural lunacy.

The Fox News co-host of “Outnumbered” took the administration to task over a report showing his State Department awarded a $20,000 grant to a cultural center in Ecuador to be used in part to host “drag theater performances” to promote diversity and inclusion.

The State Department awarded a $20,600 grant on Sept. 23 to the Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano (CEN), a non-profit organization supported by the U.S. Embassy in Ecuador, a report noted. The project started on Sept. 30 and runs until Aug. 31, 2023. It will include “3 workshops,” “12 drag theater performances,” and a “2-minute documentary,” the report continued.

That set McEnany off. “Because this makes sense,” she wrote on Twitter.

Details of the grant posted at include:


To support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics and by expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world.

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