Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan is once again venting his fury at former President Donald Trump.

The Wisconsin RINO is attempting to knock Trump out of contention for 2024, claiming that if he is the GOP nominee, he will lose.

“I think Trump’s unelectability will be palpable by then. We all know that he will lose. We all know that he is so much more likely to lose the White House than anybody else running for president on our side of the aisle, so why would we want to go with that?” he said in speaking with Teneo for its “Insights Series.”

Ryan is vice chairman of Teneo, a public relations and advisory company. It was launched by two close associates of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Declan Kelly and Doug Band.

“The only reason he stays where he is is because everybody’s afraid of him. They’re afraid of him going after them, hurting their own ambition,” Ryan continued.

“But as soon as you get the herd mentality going, it’s unstoppable. Whether he runs or not, I don’t really know if it matters. He’s not going to be the nominee, I don’t think,” he added.

“It’s not like Trump is going to reverse the impression that suburban voters have on him. That cake is baked. Trump is the Democrats’ weapon against us. He’s a cudgel against us, especially in our swing districts,” Ryan said.

Ryan named Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) as his three favorites for the GOP nomination in 2024.

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